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Fort Ripley Trail Busters has 141 members from Fort Ripley and surrounding communities. We want to thank all of our current members for all they do. If you want to become a member please reach out to our club via email at




Yearly Dues are paid in January $40/person or $50/couple
Dues go to pay for refreshments at the meetings, our special events including summer picnics, hayride, etc.  After the first year of membership, our club pays for our members' MnUSA membership.

Monthly Meetings: 
Held the second Friday of every month at the Fort Ripley Club House at 7:00pm
*Summer Month meeting details sent via email. 




Craig Erpelding

Gambling Manager

Sandy DeRosier

Vice President

Jeremy Tautges

Groomer Coordinator

Dan DeRosier


Michelle Thompson 

Trail Coordinator

Josh Fallon


Members can volunteer in different ways to help the club. As a member, if you volunteer for 15 hours in the calendar year the club covers your Friday and Saturday nights accommodations on the yearly club trip as a thank you.


Current members can access their hours on the current members page. 

Meat Raffle

Sell meat raffle tickets on Wednesday at the Fort Steak House.

Sign up on the current members page. 

Trail Clean-up

Help clean up and maintain the trails during the annual fall clean-up day. Additional help may be needed pending weather. 


Our club members drive and maintain the groomers to keep the trails running smooth. 

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